...Or to be more precise 'trailer angel'.
Having been over the pallet bridge a few times yesterday, I decided that the bridge was too slippery this morning after the frost and may put Titchy off climbing onto things that were not the floor he was used to, so this morning I found a different 'bridge'. It was the one attached to the back of the trailer, ie the actual back door of the trailer undone! Titch thought it was a lot less slippery than the pallet thingy. He sniffed it, tested it with one front hoof and then realised it was fine and climbed straight up, got a mouthful of food and then realised he had to go in a bit further to get another gobful of food, so followed me straight in to the trailer.
I am starting to pinch myself - why is he being so easy? What happens to horses to stop them being trusting, as Titch seems to be at this stage, but less trusting as they get older? Is it a developmental process, like when dogs turn 1 year old and suddenly decide not to like all dogs they met as a puppy and start to distrust other dogs approaching them? Is it something to do with sexual maturity? I'll keep you posted on that one. In the meantime here is Titch's first trailer photo...
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