Saturday, 27 October 2012

Hairy Ponies and the British weather

I like this kind of horse keeping!  No rushing out with rugs every time the sky looks a bit full of rain.  Being the clever native that he is, Titch just worked out which way the wind was blowing and snuggled in to the best wind-blocking hedge.

I did nothing with Titch today, after yesterday's overload.  I was still impressed with what we did get today though.  He watched calmly as I poo-picked the field, no showing of hooves; He is starting to associate end of day in field with coming to gate, so that he can come in for his tea (I tried to kid myself that it was because he had learned that when I call him he comes, but in fact only the sight of his feed bucket elicited the right response).  I slipped my long rope through a tie up ring without tying it up, so that he can start to get the hang of being tied up without the risk of him pulling back and breaking his neck. He was great standing there while I moved the wheelbarrow then went back to him, and picked his feet out.  Good boy! I am still having to pinch his tendons to get him to lift his foot, but he is starting to get the hang of it occasionally.

The long rope passed through a tying up ring, so that if he decides he wants out he can step back and then I can reel him back in to position.  If he were properly tied up and panicked he would pull back so hard he may damage his head/neck
I got some great reaction from friends who had seen my photos of Titch in the kitchen with a couple of mums saying to their little ones 'DON'T even THINK about it!'.  But the funniest story was when another friend, as a child, took her pony called Popcorn in to her mums living room and it disgraced itself right in front of the fire!! So I am not the only crazy person then... And no, Maggie, I will NOT be taking him up the stairs to bed - he'd never fit round the bend in the stairs....!

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