Thursday, 25 October 2012

Titch Needs a Horsey Friend

I have been trying for several days to get Titch an equine companion, since my daughter forbade me to buy Titch's sister as well! My mare, is definitely not suitable. she would reprimand him alright, but she may not know where to stop and might have to be reported to 'foal-line'.  My friend, the owner of the most suitable companion pony, Patch, has been away on holiday, but on Sunday we should be able to organise for these 2 boys to meet finally.  Patch is a quiet gelding about the same size as Titch who is happy to be caught in the field and is a real sweetie.  I'm hoping this side of Titch continues to develop.

Today was a quiet day for Titch, aside from the usual morning routine of mucking out around him, brushing him, rubbing the electric toothbrush all over him (he is a hairy one, so will need to get used to the sound of clippers!), picking his feet out and moving out of the way when asked. He finds being in a stable incredibly warm with his thick hill coat on, so was quite relieved to spend the day out in the field in the wind and mizzle.  I poo-picked the field, pulling the wheelbarrow along behind, which Titch thought was fascinating, following me all around the field and sniffing.  At one point I think he got me muddled up with one of his old herd playmates and was trying to goad me into playing with him by getting another wiggle on, coming up to me and bucking so I could see whether his back hooves needed picking out again.  For this he got a 'Grrr!' and some very loud body language! Patch, I hope you are up for a bit of rough foalie play...

Patch the playmate?
I am also wondering about how far little Titch should be walked.  He must have walked miles as a feral foal in his herd and some of it would have been on roads, but all our walking here starts on lanes.  Will this wear his hooves down too quickly? I'd love to take him the mile and a half to the village so he could hear and see more sights and sounds. He walks so slowly it would probably take all day mind you.

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